These 6 Films Will Bring Summer Vibes to Your Next Movie Night

Yes, the 1975 movie may have instilled in us all a fear of the ocean (and let’s be honest, deep pools) when we were kids. And anyone who went on the Jaws ride at Universal Studios Florida during its 1990-2012 run may have had animatronic shark-related nightmares for weeks after. But nobody can deny that this is a great summer movie: In fact, the Steven Spielberg classic is widely considered the first ever summer blockbuster. The Guinness Book of World Records even says so. Can’t argue with that!

Dirty Dancing
A classic summer love story. Frances “Baby” Houseman embarks on a summer getaway to the Catskills with her family, and winds up falling for the resort’s dance instructor, Johnny. Baby's dad doesn’t approve of the relationship, but their steamy summer love prevails. Johnny teaches Baby how to dance, and next thing we know, the couple are the Dancing King and Queen. Nobody puts Baby in the corner!

Mamma Mia
Speaking of Dancing Queens, of course, we have Mamma Mia. If watching a group of people dancing and singing around clear blue water, boats, and jet skis doesn’t get you in the summer mood, nothing will. It’s also a really great unintentional ad for a summer trip to Greece, which has been on my bucket list since the film came out in 2008. 

National Lampoon's Vacation
“When I was a boy, just about every summer we'd take a vacation. And you know, in 18 years, we never had fun.”

Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong for the vacationing Griswolds. Their family drama will give you flashbacks to being squished in the car with your siblings on a childhood summer road trip. The backseat bickering made us ask “Are we there yet?” every five minutes, but when the Griswolds do it, it’s hilarious. Maybe Clark Griswold never had fun, but we sure did watching their outrageous antics!

The Parent Trap
Now, some of my most vivid summer memories from when I was a kid are set at summer camp, with my own identical twin sister. Hallie and Annie’s twin hijinks and drastic swings from enemies to best friends are not only relatable, but a blast to watch. What’s better than a tale of incredible happenstance and scheming, with a nostalgic backdrop of lakes, docks, and cabins?

The Sandlot
In the summer of 1962, a new kid in town is taken under the wing of a young baseball prodigy and his rowdy team, resulting in many adventures. This movie will make you long for those carefree childhood summer days spent outside with friends. No iPhones, no iPads, no video games: just baseball bats, treehouses, and days at the local pool. It’s 1 hour and 41 minutes of pure summer bliss!


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