Top 9 Shark Movies

It’s about that time of the year where sharks are given an entire week of appreciation. I’m talking about the best jump scares, the biggest teeth, and how these ocean predators are navigating the open waters. Sharks have been the main character of hundreds of movies over the years (some more well known than others). So in honor of the most anticipated week of the summer, I’m outlining the top 9 shark movies that have us thinking twice about what is lurking under the dark waters.

9. The Requin
Landing at number nine is the 2022 shark thriller that stars Alicia Silverstone and James Tupper. Now if you’re thinking about taking that tropical vacation where you stay in a cute little villa on the water, you may not want to watch this one. This movie gives terror, multiple shark fins, and an absolute ‘i'll see you in your nightmares’ vibe so watch at your own risk.

8. Sharkando
2013 was the year that gave us a hurricane filled with sharks. Now, I know what you’re thinking ‘how did this movie even end up on this list?’. Well Brad, this movie is a cinematic masterpiece that doesn’t get the love that it deserves. Like c’mon, you all loved it enough for it to receive 6 additional movies in the series. So just sit back and watch the realistic shark-infested tornadoes.

7. Adventures of Sharkboy & Lavagirl
Lucky number seven is the forever iconic Taylor Lautner and Taylor Dooley adventure movie. This is as sharkey as it gets as the kid was swept into sea and raised by sharks to where he became one (yes, will teeth, gills and fins). And for your viewing pleasure, here’s my favorite scene and the song that will forever be stuck in my head. Dream dream dream dream dream dreammmmm.

6. 47 Meters Down
This Mandy Moore and Claire Holt vacation seriously lives rent free in my mind and not in a good way. If you were thinking about getting in a cage to view some sharks, you might want to change your mind. There’s nothing more terrifying than dropping 47 meters down into the ocean while fighting for your life from a vengeful shiver of sharks.

5. The Meg
Star packed movie power of Jason Statham,Ruby Rose, Bingbing Li, Rainn Wilson and more decide that living in a deep-sea submersible on the bottom of the ocean was a good idea. Plot twist, it isn't and the so called “extinct” Megalodon is out there becoming the biggest threat possible. Call this one a mix of Jaws, current events, and an action nightmare.

4. Deep Blue Sea
Taking it back all the way to 1999 where Samuel L. Jackson is trying to make a break in medical history by getting to know the shark species a little too well. If you weren’t already terrified by the possibility of being stalked by a shark in the water unknowingly, then you’ll have a new fear by the end of this movie. And yes, if you were wondering, the dramatic shark music lives here too.

3. Shark Tale
Ok, hear me out, but this movie still holds up even after 20 years. Lenny (voiced by Jack Black) is the outcast of the ocean and Will Smith’s character Oscar the Bluestreak cleaner wrasse team up together to find their true place in the reef. The theme song to this movie is Christina Aguilera's cover of Car Wash featuring Missy Elliott so it’s a 2 fins up in my book.

2. The Shallows
Number two on the top shark movies is Blake Lively’s drama thriller that includes surfing, a secluded beach, and a hungry great white shark. The suspense alone will keep your eyes half under the blanket and probably scared to even think about heading into the water this summer. And if you make it all the way to the end without shaking in fear, you are a special type of crazy.

1. Jaws
As you probably guessed it, Jaws was going to take the trophy as the number one shark movie of all time. There is something really special about this Steven Spielberg directed thriller that makes audiences come back year after year. While you hardly see the shark in this movie, you can guarantee that the music will get you blood pumping and have you anticipating the worst in the matter of seconds.


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