9 of the Best Rom-Com Sequels

Sequel….the dreaded word that most people cringe at the sight of. For most movies, the second installment of the plot and characters doesn’t hold up like we all hope it will. BUT on the flip side of the coin, there are SO many movies that have sequels that are a *chefs kiss*. 

Now, the rom-com genre of the movie world is massive, but there’s not many of them that have a sequel. Lucky for you, I've scoured the catalog collection and found the best of the best sequels when it comes to this romance and comedy swirl of happiness. Let’s get to it!

  • Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again!
    Yes, here we go again! The star power alone has this sequel as one of the best to exist, but the plot and feel good ABBA singalongs just make it THAT more amazing. I’ll forever want to be on the magical Greek island of Kalokairi trying to find love.

  • Legally Blonde 2: Red White And Blonde
    Elle Woods (need I say more)?! She’s graduated law school with flying *pink* colors and now she’s off to show the world how she can speak up for the underdog. We always need someone like Elle to spark some change in our lives! And yes, this sequel does make me want a hot dog reeeeeeal bad.

  • Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous
    From the FBI uniform to a Vegas showgirl, our girl Gracie will do just about anything to protect the ones that mean the most. Not only is she on a mission to save her BFF Cheryl, she’s on a mission to show the FBI who’s truly in charge. Plus we’ve got Sandra Bullock front and center again so that’s a must watch guaranteed! 

  • Pitch Perfect 2
    So I know what you’re thinking….how is Pitch Perfect a rom-com? Well, let me tell you that the comedy obviously comes from Rebel Wilson’s character. And for the romance, that’d for the love of music (or Beca & Jesse’s fated relationship). This sequel is probably my favorite movie out of the trilogy based solely on the Riff Off in that weird house/basement/bar/venue/underground sound stage.

  • Father of the Bride Part II
    George had a good predictable life, but a grandchild on the way sure catches him off guard. It’s out with the old and in with the new and younger…..and with a kid of his way of his own?! The least expected is the most expected in this movie and there’s no better couple to hang out with than Steve Martin and Diane Keaton.

  • Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason
    Bridget Jones is living a life that most of us have experienced at least 4 times in our lives. She’s loving a little too much, getting splashed by a giant puddle from a passing truck, has no messages to return, and yes, even coping with her problems with a pint of ice cream. This movie is 17 years old and more relatable now than ever!

  • The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
    Every girl wanted the life of Mia and this second movie makes me want it THAT much more. First of all, Chris Pine as the romantic lead. Second of all, Julie Andrews mattress surfing. Those two alone make this a sequel that should be at the top of everyone’s list!

  • Sex and the City 2
    Can we talk about how ICONIC Carrie is?! She not only gave us all girl power vibes in the first movie, but in the sequel, she’s a boss. Sometimes you just need a break from reality and take a trip with your best friends (but to keep yourself sane, make sure your ex isn’t going to be at the same resort).

  • Shrek 2
    Shrek has the romance (a castle wedding) and the comedy (a witty donkey that literally can’t stop talking), so therefore, IT’S A ROM-COM. And hello, the second movie in this trilogy has an epic ‘I Need A Hero’ rendition that cannot be matched. So next time you’re looking for a new rom-com to watch, pop this guy in and be *dazzled*


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