ALIEN INVASION! The Best Alien Documentaries and Films on Crackle Now

It’s an alien invasion on the free streaming service Crackle! From documentaries about the unidentified and unexplained, to explorations into Area 51, to fictional movies about extraterrestrials, Crackle has your alien fix, completely free. Here’s a look at some of our favorite titles before you blast off.

Moment of Contact
Longtime UFO enthusiast James Fox directs this exploration into a 1996 extraterrestrial encounter in Varginha, Brazil, where citizens reported seeing a UFO and at least one strange creature. Later, claims were made about the capture of ETs by Brazilian authorities, animal fatalities at a zoo, and even a woman impregnated by an alien. The reports have garnered extensive media coverage, but are they true? Watch the film and decide for yourself!

Alien Addiction
I have chosen this film to represent Crackle’s free selection of fictional movies about aliens. This absurd comedy follows a man who develops a relationship of epic proportions with two aliens that crash land near his house. The only way a film like this can work is if the actors are all-in on the shenanigans, and this cast really rose to the occasion. If they’re having fun, so are we!

Area 51: Aliens, UFOs, Bob Lazar & Advanced Technology
Ah, the great mystery of Area 51. We’ve seen YouTube daredevils arrested for attempting to cross the gate, a widespread “Storm Area 51” internet meme that turned out to be a bust, and plenty of theories of what goes on inside the highly classified United States Air Force facility. In this short documentary, ufologists dive into the lore behind Nevada’s Area 51 and the speculation of otherworldly visitors on Earth. 

Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers
Speaking of Bob Lazar, a physicist who, in 1989, broke the story of Area 51 and the U.S. government's work on alien spacecrafts, we have this documentary. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent until his participation in this 2018 film. Coming forward with his story left a devastating impact on Lazar’s life for the next 30 years, so the least we can do is hear him out.

UFOS: Best Evidence Ever Caught on Camera
In this 90s documentary, NASA authorities and UFO researchers analyze amateur video of suspected extraterrestrial activity in the skies, and weigh in whether or not they’re real. The doc even contains footage provided by the U.S. government and Homeland Security. Now we just need these guys’ reactions to the recent UFO hearings!

All of these films and many more alien-related explorations and adventures are free on Crackle.


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